Palermo, one of the best places to visit in Sicily!
Hello everyone we are in Sicily we are in Palermo the capital of Sicily we are in front of the Massimo Opera House the masterpiece Rosella please do you remember maybe some one of you so the Godfather trilogy by Francis Ford Coppola this is the location of the 3rd chapter of the trilogy Maxima Harper house is one of the most beautiful theatre in in the world the third largest theatre in in the world and so please share with our friends why the reason why we are here now we decided to to give you a special gift this is the first in the next days you will receive other gifts this is the first one we decided to to give you a great experience it’s a virtual experience of course but it’s a great experience we will give you the chance to discover Palermo we will meet in a few minutes tourist guide and we will let you see the most important tourist attractions so I already know that always a lot of people ask is it Palermo worth visiting is it Palermo save is it Palermo a beautiful town so we will try we will try to answer but not by by words by images so you will see with your eyes what Palermo is and this is just a preview because of course you always hope you come to visit Palermo to visit Sicily we really look forward to meeting you soon so guys enjoy the tool.
We are in front of the maximum theater we are in septima one of the most beautiful road streets in in Palermo this way that way we go to the modern district if you if you talk about Palermo mordor means at least a couple of centuries so we go to the quality I’m a theater that way we go to the Market Street to the four corners to the heart of the city center and then we will move to the castle to the Corso Victor Emmanuel Road so we are now in the heart of the city center I am the in the center of the square this is called Quattro canti in English four corners because if you see first second third and four every corner represents something different the four season at the first stage the first floor for important Spanish Kings on the second floor for Saints of Palermo on the third floor so every corner is different spring summer autumn winter Philip the second third fourth then we have Santa Rosa Lee Santa she’d Santa leave melt imposed two different elements the natural ones the political ones and the religion one’s a syncretism this seas the center of the center of the center of Palermo I am in the center this square represents the interception between coats of etre Manuela that from the old Acropolis of the town move to the to the sea that’s the military end this is a very old room built from built by the Phoenicians then used by the Hara pions then by the Normans and then of course by the Spanish a lot of domination in Sicily and all domination left something important.
This is the second most important Road called via Macheda that points to the most modern area of the town but of course if we talk about Palermo we have to consider at least at least a couple of centuries but this road both almost two thousand and six or seven hundred years of heritage we go now to meet our special friend a special tourist guide called Lauer that will introduce you Palermo and is hidden treasures.
We are in a special location in Palermo in the old city center with Laura our special tourist guide in Palermo Laura where we are now hello guys we are now exactly in the centre of the city centre near the town hall that is at our back and we are inside front end of the shame do you know why it had this name look look at the naked stages so we are just in the city centre the official name of this place is the Praetorian square just because we are near the town hall that was once the Praetorian palace the Praetorian residence and we are in the near the fountain the fountain of the shame because the fountain was not made for Palermo but it was made in Florence and when they decided to transport it to Palermo in the second half of the 16th centuries when all them the the fountain was a reassembled year all the naked stages gave a scandal they were really offensive for their idea of the time also because we are here in a nice square overlooked by two churches by two baroque churches and above all the square is overlooked by that building over there the yellow one that was once a monastery cloistered monastery for cloistered nuns so when the poor new nuns looking over from from their building from their windows so all these naked stages here that was quite a scandal and that’s why that’s the reason why the Fontan was given the name of Fontaine of the shame there on the right you can see the Town Hall it is possible to visit it now because our mayor wants to underline the idea of Palermo as a welcoming and friendly and open town.
You can see here Rosella is working is having a work among all the stages with Greek gods goddesses allegorical figures animals there are 24 heads of animals some real animal or some imaginary animals it’s a nice place it’s quite it’s quite unusual for Palermo it’s a Renaissance square that is not typical from our town but it’s quite interesting while on the other side there is another beautiful building that is the Sen Joseph Church a Barak building with this beautiful dome yellow and green Barak and we can start from here to have a nice walk out of the town we are inside the Town Hall our Palace of the Eagles because the Eagles are the symbol of Palermo it dates back to the Roman age the symbol of Palermo the Eagle as the single of this the symbol of Palermo and so we are just inside the town hall the town hall that is now open to the visit because how our mayor has decided to do that so he there you can see the Eagle symbol of the town with a description s pqp has the Roman one senato populous weapon or Madonna so it refers to the people and the city of Palermo during the Roman time because even if maybe I didn’t tell you but Palermo has got a very very long history now I’ll give you a special view of a special place of Palermo look at this oh wow the two churches you can see from here from above are dead to medieval churches of San Cataldo that’s on the right and the Myrtle a notice on the left with its beautiful bell tower and they are they date back to the 12th century to the Arab Norman period.
Palermo is characterized by this medieval style the so called Arab Norman that is a beautiful style that tells us about a period of coexistence and cooperation between people and cultures and be different people and different cultures and spoke different languages because during the Middle Ages during the Middle Ages Christian Jews Greek Orthodox and Arabs they all lived here together and they cooperated and worked alongside each other to build these amazing Cathedral and churches and palaces this is a town hall where our mayor honey’s administration work the future of the town it’s a 18th century whole these windows provide a beautiful view of the funtime below you can see our elliptical fontaine it is actually a bit too big from the square for the square but that because the fountain was not designed for the square actually but for Florence but now it is it has been here for almost 500 years so we are really used to see it here behind that door there is the mayor room the mayor’s office this is the place where he works and he has decided to put on display on this table just near his office three special objects we can see it from the we can see them from the other side it’s interesting because you can see here this silver object with a Christian cross on the middle then there is a silver Quran that was given to the mayor some years ago and then a small Hebrew inscription on this candle so these are the symbols of the three monotheistic religions that were processed here during the Middle Ages when Palermo was was the capital of the reign of our kingdom of coexistence and cooperation.
Because we are just in the centre of the Mediterranean everyone has passed from Sicily from the Phoenicians to the Romans Greeks Arabs Spanish French a lot of people passed from here and everyone has left something on now in our DNA in our culture in our food in our architecture in our heart so it’s important to remember all of them it’s important to remember our past our beautiful and very rich past and during the Middle Ages that was the best period of our history and that was after the Islamic domination when the Christians arrived and the new Christian sovereigns the new Christian Kings decided to build a new Kingdom based on tolerance and coexistence [Music] and now let’s leave at our back there innocent spirits period and let’s go to the middle times it just around the corner you can pass from the 15th century to the Middle Ages just in a few meters we are now arriving to Bellini square he takes the names from the name from the Bellini theater it was a famous Sicilian composer music confessors so these two church is on my back are the Martorano Church on the left and some cattle the church on the right they date back to the 12th century and they are both unesco world heritage sites now they were built in the 12th century by Islamic architects decorated by Byzantine artists with a an amazing Byzantine mosaic but they were built as Christian church because they are a testimony of the period of coexistence of extraordinary coexistence and cooperation of different cultured cultures that live together here in the Middle Ages and it’s something that was really amazing and extraordinary in the middle times about the existence of different culture in foods well everyone has left an imprint in our food in our gastronomy but of course the most of world major changes were brought here by the Arabs that concrete Sicily in the middle times in the 9th century AD they stayed here for two centuries and death.
Of course let’s consider for example that they introduced a lot of new crops citrus madhuri and above all sugarcane let’s think that sugar was not cultivated in europe until they were before them the arrival of the arabs old our past trees and candied fruit was made thanks to the sugar introduced by the arabs maybe maybe it’s better we will show our friend what we are talking about so let’s go to one of the best outdoor market in Palermo okay yeah you’ll see it’s a it’s really nice to go to a market let’s have to have lunch there let’s go and we are now going to the Bolero district Valera is still today one of the most multicultural districts of the ancient Palermo and you can see a testimony of this multi melting pot on the street signs as you can see it is written in three languages in Italian Hebrew and Arabic do you feel like eating something okay you have plenty of choice the typical Sicilian Street food with arancini the small oranges that are rice balls chickpea fritters chickpea fritters funnel chickpea fritters with cooker and potato croquettes.
So do you feel like eating something you can come to a market here we are at the Bolero market and you have plenty of choice street food rolls fruit leek prickly pears remember that the markets here in Sicily are not just food and markets they are social experience oli capers and dried tomatoes onions everything you can you’d like to have you can find it here are you hungry Rosalind yes I’m very hungry too many information for me Laura so I need to eat but can I ask you what disease they are prickly pears there are symbol of Sicily but you can add pomegranate watermelon at the markets you can choose a lot to eat or to drink also you know Juran do want to try pistachios or almonds or spices you’ll find a lot here do you think and do you know the name of this zucchini and this is a special product that we make in November and maybe you can think it’s real fruit it’s they’re real vegetables or fruit it’s past 3:00 it’s made with pasta with almond pastry and it is typical for they all sense day look at this it’s amazing you want to try some broccoli look at the face yeah you can try to fit the apricot they our friends love this this is my favorite vegetable eggplant the king or the queen of the Sicilian cruisin we use it almost everywhere an important lesson for you.
So we are in the Bolero district one of the humblest district here in the city center but this simple church hides a treasure let’s go inside have you seen what I told you we are inside the Jesus Church made by the Jesuit Order in the 17th century and this is a typical parag style Church here from Sicily completely covered with marble inlays it was an extraordinary work that lasted more than one and 100 years to do that and it was unfortunately bombed during the Second World War but it has been rebuilt extraordinarily oh yeah one day we will talk about the question the most important question in Sicily is do we have to call it Orangina or orangy no but this is another chapter today we eat orangey nay Reggie now we are we are in Palermo it’s our Aegina thank you come to Sicily to enjoy this we are in front of the masterpiece of the Cecilia desserts mr. canola the king can I ever I can know what sovereign welcome no low-class cbourgin on chocolate are apart a granola Dickey stack of chocolate from one side and pistachio the other side would you like the hormones thank you so guys I really hope you enjoy this masterpiece Sunday come to Palermo and don’t miss the chance to enjoy the king of the Sicilian using the king of the Sicilian desserts cannot stop another masterpiece Sicilian masterpiece is granita what it is it’s an ice cream now we have a scream and we have granita two different things look this is mr. Cho and this is almond and also these what is it Danka this is Casa della it’s a small Cassata because the big one is this big Cassata.
Behind me the beautiful cathedral of Palermo and she is santa rosalia the main st. or Palermo look at this building behind us you can see the Cathedral it’s of course a must-see during our guided tours of Palermo and at this point usually people are thirsty and ask for something to drink so me I need something to drink what do you suggest me okay come on let’s go come on polo has where we are now we are in the historic center of Palermo this is a Corso Vittorio Emanuele a beautiful Street also called Casa row and this is the oldest Street in Palermo from the Phoenician age the Carthaginians who built Palermo the entity of course to the Spanish period this is the main road I I think you will enjoy this walking to look look did you why are you drinking I don’t know maybe an or enjoys my duis pyramid our answer that’s how our friends they know some great dancer who thank you you cannot imagine what you are missing now front of the Cathedral that’s one of the reason why join us here in Palermo wonderful it’s for you.
I took the orange juice yeah thank you hello again how are you please remember our friends what we saw today today we saw a lot of beautiful things we started our virtual tour from the Massimo theatre I remember again this is the third most important hopper house in the world it’s a masterpiece of architecture then we went we followed the Makeda road and we reach the four corners yes that’s the heart of the city center of Palermo then we met our special tourist guide Laura and we visited with her the fountain of the shame yes Pretoria then we went to the city ole then we went and we visited the piazza bellini with the mark Tirana Church and then we went to bolero district we remember the outdoor market of bolero and of course the casa professa the Church of Jesus into the outdoor market so these are the most important location the must-see location in Palermo but of course this is just a preview a special gift for you.
Palermo is very very richer so there will be many many things that you will see during your guided tour of power mode Janka please tell our friends the top reasons to visit Palermo so there are many reasons but first of all the heritage Palermo both almost two thousand and seven hundred years of history first Carthaginians Phoenicians romance ruffians Norman Spanish a lot of people came to power one and you saw the proof of these dominations then I will say Palermo now is very safe a beautiful town to experience because the nightlife is one of the funnest nightlife in in the world if you follow our recommendation our suggestion and you choose your accommodation in the area between the mastema theater the four corners the cathedral so in the old city center that’s as you can see is very very enjoyable if you stay here you will enjoy the nightlife because everything the clubs the restaurants the shops everything will be walking distance so this is the second reason and then of course I know my friends I know that you love food and wine experiences and the Palermo is the capital of the food and wine experiences because Palermo is ranked fifth in the special world rank about sweet food but Palermo means of course a lot of beautiful experiences everywhere so everywhere you stop you can enjoy something different path rich desserts poor injuries pom gratuities cannoli a lot a lot a lot of very very good food so you can eat and drink every time I know that for some one of you this is the most important reason so guys as I told you as I said this is a gift in the next days we will give you some more special gifts I want to introduce the chapter to how to plan a perfect trip to Sicily so stay tuned and bye salute Cheers waiting for you bye.